New Hampshire Accredited Medical Assisting Schools and Programs
New Hampshire is very well known in political circles as the first stop on the presidential trail when it hosts the first primary for that office. What many don’t realize is that the state is beautiful and picturesque, offering great views of the Appalachian Mountains and a wealth of winter sporting opportunities.If you are looking for a great job opportunity in this state, a medical career is an excellent choice. Great medical assisting schools can be found in the following large metro areas:
- Concord
- Manchester
- Claremont
- Berlin
You can find a number of top-notch medical assisting schools in New Hampshire to get you connected to this hot career. However, you should make sure that the school you choose has its credentials in order, or you will have fewer work opportunities in the field. All schools should be accredited by the ABHES (the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools) or CAAHEP (the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs). Either organization’s stamp of approval will make your school choice ideal.
New Hampshire Medical Assistant Certification Requirements
Medical assistants (MAs) are without a doubt the jack-of-all-trades of allied healthcare professionals. Despite playing such a crucial role in the healthcare field, MAs working in the state of New Hampshire aren’t required by law to hold institutionally recognized certifications. However, there are two nationally recognized credentials that MAs can pursue – credentials that, if earned, could improve their career prospects, boost their earning potential, and give them a competitive edge over other applicants.
Those two highly legitimate and nationally recognized credentials are:
- The Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) has its credential test administered by The American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) – an association that gives access to medical assistants not only membership and credential acknowledgment, but access to continuing education and networking opportunities as well.
- The Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) which has its credential test administered by The American Medical Technologists (AMT) – a not-for-profit organization that offers a wide variety of credentials for allied healthcare professionals like practical nurses (LPNs), nursing assistants (CNAs), and others
The Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)
Medical assistants who’re currently looking to acquire the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) credential must satisfy the following requirements in order to be eligible to sit for the credential’s exam which is administered by the AAMA:
- Provide documentation verifying that you’ve completed a medical assistant program that maintains accreditation with either the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) or the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
- Contains a real-world, hands-on clinical component and a theoretical component
- Introduces MA students to both administrative and clinical coursework which includes but is not limited to topics like computer competency, medication administration, medical terminology, record keeping and accounting, medical law & ethics, and clinical and diagnostic procedures
- CMAs must renew their credentials every 60 months by taking continuing education credits or by passing a 200 question recertification exam
The Registered Medical Assistant (RMA)
Medical assistants who’re currently looking to acquire the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) credential must fulfill ONLY ONE of the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the credential’s exam which is administered by the AMT:
- OPTION 1: Complete a medical assistant program that has the following attributes:
- Holds accreditations from organizations that have been sanctioned by The US Department of Education, The Council for Higher Education Accreditation, or The American Medical Technologists (AMT) Board of Directors
- Made up of at least 880 total contact hours: 720 hours of theoretical instruction in a classroom or online setting and 160 hours of supervised, real-world clinical training in a medical office of some sort
- OPTION 2: Have at least five years of previous employment experience as a medical assistant, carrying out both administrative and clinical duties, in the last seven years
- OPTION 3: Have at least five years of prior employment experience as a program instructor for medical assistants, OR have more than one year of instruction experience combined with three years of experience working as a medical assistant
- OPTION 4: Complete a program comparable to a college-level medical assistant program through the U.S. Armed forces with the following attributes:
- A total of 880 contact hours: 720 hours of in-class, theoretical instruction, and 160 hours of hands-on clinical practice in a medical office of some sort
New Hampshire Medical Assisting Programs
1. Manchester Community College
Locations: Manchester, NH
Manchester Community College is an accredited school in a major metropolitan area in New Hampshire. Students can take either the associate’s degree program or the diploma program, with the associate’s degree taking at least two years of full-time study to complete. The diploma program tends to focus on hands-on, medically oriented classes, while the associate’s degree offers a broader base of education. Once completed, grads are eligible to sit for the national certification exam, regardless of the program taken.
2. River Valley Community College
Locations: Claremont, NH
River Valley Community College offers a certificate, or diploma, program in medical assisting. This is usually a shorter course of study, but some work outlets may require a higher degree of learning. In fact, this course takes approximately 18 months when pursued full-time. This program prepares students for employment in doctor’s offices, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, chiropractors, and dentist’s offices. Accredited by the national medical assisting accreditation boards, you will be able to sit for your national certification after completing this school’s program.
3. White Mountain Community College
Locations: Berlin, NH
White Mountain Community College offers both a diploma and degree course in medical assisting. You will take fewer credits in the diploma program, and a medical assisting internship is required in the last semester. With the associate’s degree track, you will take more credits per semester and have classes concurrently with your internship during the last semester. This program is accredited, so you will have the opportunity to sit for national certification.
4. Great Bay Community College
Location: Portsmouth, Rochester
Great Bay Community College is a public community college that offers a twelve-week Medical Assistant Certificate program that combines 320 hours of classroom instruction, lab practice, and a 160-hour clinical externship. Upon completion of the program, students will be trained in patient examination, routine laboratory procedures, and diagnostic testing methods. In total, students can expect to pay $5,500 to enroll in the program.