Wisconsin Accredited Medical Assistant Schools and Programs
Whether you prefer the wild beauty of the rural Great Lakes or the urban environment of big cities like Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a strong starting point for your career in medical assisting. Along with agriculture and manufacturing, healthcare is one of the dominant industries in Wisconsin. Medical assistants are in great demand, especially in densely populated areas like Milwaukee. After you finish your education, look for employment in major Wisconsin cities like these:
- Appleton
- Green Bay
- Milwaukee
- Madison
- Racine
When it comes to the number of jobs and the pay rates for medical assistants, West Central Wisconsin is one of the top regions in the country, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Before you settle on a medical assistant school, request information from several colleges to compare accreditation status, program requirements, tuition, average completion times, and job placement rates.
List of Wisconsin Medical Assisting Programs
1. Blackhawk Technical College
Location: Janesville
Medical assistants wear many hats in the workplace, performing administrative duties as well as clinical tasks. Blackhawk Technical College’s Diploma in Medical Assisting prepares you to succeed in the fast-paced environment of hospitals, clinics, health centers, and research facilities. The curriculum includes one year of coursework, which ends with a supervised externship in a professional work environment. After graduating from this nationally accredited program, you’ll be eligible to take the Certified Medical Assistant Examination.
2. Chippewa Valley Technical College
Location: Eau Claire
Strong interpersonal skills, an eye for detail, and a passion for healthcare will help you succeed as a medical assistant. At Chippewa Valley Technical College, you can earn a Technical Diploma in Medical Assisting in 12 months. Graduates of this accredited program can take the national certification exam through the American Association of Medical Assistants and use the professional title of Certified Medical Assistant.
3. Fox Valley Technical College
Locations: Appleton, Oshkosh
Fox Valley’s accredited one-year diploma program in medical assisting can lead to jobs as a medical assistant, phlebotomist, electrocardiogram technician, clinic manager, or health insurance professional. Students become proficient in medical office administration, patient care, and laboratory procedures while learning how to observe safety precautions and respond quickly to medical emergencies. The school recommends that applicants have a background in biological sciences and computer technology.
4. Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College
Location: Hayward
The Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College (LCOOCC) is a tribal college located on the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in northwest Wisconsin. The school’s medical assisting program, which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, strives to equip students with the skills they need to work in the medical field while maintaining Native American cultural traditions. LCOOCC offers an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Medical Assisting, and graduates can apply for national certification in the field.
5. Madison Area Technical College
Location: Madison
A technical diploma from Madison Area Technical College can lead to employment as a medical assistant, medical records clerk, insurance claims analyst, phlebotomist, pharmacy assistant, or EKG technician. According to statistics from the college, 95.5% of 2011 graduates found jobs in areas that were relevant to their field of study in 2011. Students are oriented to the responsibilities of an employee in a physician’s office, but graduates of this accredited program may find jobs in hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, or medical records departments.
6. Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Locations: Green Bay, Marinette
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College is a public, two-year community college with locations throughout the state. NWTC offers students a 33 credit-hour Medical Assistant Certificate program that can be completed in three semesters. The program teaches students how to perform medical office administrative functions, how to provide basic patient care, how to perform basic medical lab procedures, and more. For working students or for students who would like to take things a little slower, NWTC offers a part-time online and weekend track that can be completed over four semesters plus one summer. Beginning in the fall of 2021, students will also have the option to enroll in an accelerated eight-week Medical Assistant Certificate program.
7. Rasmussen College
Locations: Green Bay, Wasusau
Rasmussen College is a private, for profit post-secondary educational institution with campuses operating throughout the country. RC offers students at its campuses in Green Bay and Wasusau a Medical Assistant Certificate program that can be completed in just twelve months. The 52 credit-hour program combines in-class and online learning with hands-on lab experience and a clinical externship. During their studies, students can expect to tackle courses like Fundamentals of Clinical Techniques, Clinical Lab Applications & Diagnostic Procedures, Administrative Medical Assistant Practices, and others.
8. Lakeshore Technical College
Location: Cleveland
Lakeshore Technical College is a public, two-year community college that offers students 33 credit-hour Medical Assistant Certificate program that can be finished in 30 weeks if taken full-time. LTC also provides students with the option complete the program in a part-time format. In this format, the program can be completed in four semesters. Enrolled students undergo a mixture of in-class instruction, hands-on lab practice, and a clinical externship at a local healthcare facility. During the program, students take courses such as Culture of Healthcare, Human Body & Disease, Digital Literacy for Healthcare, and more.